My story

Common Room works with people and organizations to artfully illustrate their personal journey and the legacy that remains. We use our feature filmmaking experience to produce sensitive, effective and professionally crafted films to document stories that are important to you. Contact us for more information.

Jacinta: a case study

Tony and Dawn are no longer able to care for their daughter Jacinta who needs 24 hour assistance. When neither hospitals nor nursing homes are able to provide the appropriate and ongoing care Jacinta needs, her parents fear where she may end up next. For more on Jacinta's story and thousands others like her visit Young People in Nursing Homes at

White Kangaroo

Walk along the streets in Melbourne's gritty inner suburb of Brunswick and you'll likely meet Turbo, a world-renowned Aboriginal artist barely recognized by locals. This is how photographer Nick Kreisler and screen printer Nicholas Mau met Turbo who now routinely invites himself to their studio to paint.

Let's give them a break

Collingwood footballer Chris Dawes shows his support for John Di Tommaso as he cares for his daughter Sarah who lives with an acquired brain disorder. Please help BrainLink support carers like John by giving what you can. For more information please visit or for help call 1800 677 579.

Young People in Nursing Homes

Imagine living in a nursing home at age 25. Over 6000 young Australians with disabilities face this reality everyday. Young People in Nursing Homes offers them a better life. Find out more at